Home / Blog / It was 80 degrees in my dorm so I figured out how to cool down a room when you can't control the thermostat

It was 80 degrees in my dorm so I figured out how to cool down a room when you can't control the thermostat

Aug 28, 2023Aug 28, 2023

A COLLEGE student living in uncomfortably hot conditions has figured out how to cool down.

She was forced to find a solution after temperatures in her room reached 80 degrees.

To make matters worse, she couldn't control the thermostat — but she worked out a way that she thought might help.

“When you figure out how to cool your apartment down,” said Lexus Doely (@imso_lexi).

A video of her cooling hack has gone viral, with the post attracting 168,000 likes and hundreds of comments.

“Definitely wasn’t expecting it,” she said.

Lexus and three roommates were sweltering in their dorm when she decided she had to take action and improvise.

“We got desperate because it was sitting at almost 80°F," she wrote in the caption.

In the post, the thermostat was wrapped in silver foil and she directed a hair dryer at it.

“We only did it for a minute or so. I definitely won’t be doing this again. I don’t want to break it," she confessed.

But not everyone in the comments considered it a good idea.

“That’s just going to destroy the electronics in your thermostat," said one person. "You could always do a hot rag, wring the water out, and just set it over the thermostat.”

It brought back memories for a former student.

“Relatable," they said. "When I went to college the school refused to lower the AC past 76/78°F. People slept in the halls with all the doors open for a week.”

There was little sympathy from another person: “It was sitting at 80°F? That is literally nothing. My house doesn’t have AC and it gets 100°F and over every day,”

One more viewer was unimpressed: “That is literally not going to make it cool faster or more efficiently, it’ll just run longer. Just turn it down like a normal person."

Another viewer learned something: “I didn’t actually realize that’s actually where the sensor is located. Thought it was remote control.”