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Dave the Diver Guide: Chapter 6 Walkthrough & All Puzzle Solutions

Jul 17, 2023Jul 17, 2023

Chapter 6 is by far the longest in the game, and so this post is very, very long. Do be sure to bookmark this one and use the handy menu above to jump down the page to wherever you’ve left off!

Before we go anywhere though, we’ll be back on the boat after our Sushi Bar shift. It’s time to expose John Watson and his Sea Blue cronies once and for all.

Listen to Cobra’s instructions and then jump in the water. Be aware that you will not have your weapons with you for this part of the mission. Stealth is key. There are a fair number of aggressive fish here so you need to really bide your time as you follow the drone ahead. If you get too close, it’ll be alerted to your presence and present a Game Over screen. Not good.

Follow the drone, hugging the seabed to begin with as you move to the right. When you come to three jellyfish, wait for the latter two to be at their highest point before proceeding, being sure to move above the first jellyfish. Go slow here.

The drone will hang in the air and check its surroundings. When it does, stay patient. Be aware of a shark that prowls these waters too.

You may get a warning flash up, telling you the drone is getting away if you stay too long, but you should have enough time to catch up. Wait for the shark to turn back and hurry down, hanging to the top of the rocks as best you can. (Pictured above)

In doing so, you’ll avoid a lot of the more annoying critters lurking about here. Keep moving to the left. Eventually you’ll get a cutscene and we’re onto the second stealth section. Here, we’re onto old-school side-scrolling territory.

Proceed forward and press Spacebar to roll over the cardboard box. The stealth AI for enemies is limited in this section, so use it to your advantage. Guards have a poor line of vision and with their backs turned, you can get pretty close. Wait for the first to head right and follow behind. Proceed up the ladder.

As you can see in our picture, we were very close behind and the poor guy didn’t suspect a thing.

At the top, take a left and keep following the path over. Stand behind the stack of boxes when the security camera is pointing to the left. Wait for it to move to the right, so you’re not in the yellow beam of light, and move to the left.

Crouch behind the cardboard box. Follow up behind the guard here when he has his back turned and scramble up the ladder.

Wait for the guard to move back to the right and follow behind, pressing Spacebar to hide in the refrigerator. Be aware that Dave will freeze if he stays in, so you’ll need to time leaving when the guard is patrolling to the left.

Head out and move to the right, standing behind the stack of boxes when the camera is pointing to the right. The trouble is, there’s a guard on patrol blocking your path when the camera’s vision moves. While there is a thin window of time to move, it’s risky and could result in a game over, especially as you also need to hide in the fridge and then pass without detection.

Thankfully, you can manipulate the AI to your advantage. Hide behind the boxes but make sure a small amount of Dave’s body is exposed. This will alert the guard to your presence with a question mark above his head.

When he pauses and starts coming nearer, quickly shuffle to the left to hide completely, so all of your body is in the shadowy part of the boxes. If you’re not sure on how much to expose, line up Dave so his head is completely in the shadow and his arm and part of his body is exposed.

Now when he moves, he’ll do so at the same time as the camera pointing left, meaning you don’t even need to hide in fridge! Head straight up the next ladder.

Head left and press Spacebar to roll over the box. Pick up the Military Rations here if you fancy a little Easter Egg (and a Steam achievement) and hold Spacebar to enter John’s office. Inspect all three items so they change to show a green tick and watch the cutscene to end this section.

When it turns day again, Dr Bacon will show up with good news. He’s finished the suit, hoorah! Now we can explore the Glacial Area. Use the mirror to fast travel straight there.

Immediately descend and hug the ceiling, heading all the way to the right. There are some tough foes in here and they will punish you if you’re not prepared. When you’re as far as you can go, descend down slowly onto the platform and open up the Gun chest here. It should have an equipment upgrade inside.

Approach the camera icon and snap a picture of the Stone Slab next to a closed door. Unfortunately, there’s no way of getting in there right now, so it’s back to the boat with Dr Bacon.

Be aware that there is a mirror in this area, just underneath where you’re swimming around. There are a couple of tough foes lurking here, including an aggressive shark who likes to patrol these waters. Then again, getting killed will automatically teleport you back to your ship, so there is that as well!

Show Dr Bacon the Stone Slab and he’ll want to decode it. This opens up another minigame where you need to hold right click and pass the circle over the slab, clearing the orange markings on the picture to the right. Go slow and once it hits 100%, Dr Bacon will ride off.

Go back to Sea People Village and speak to Niamo in the temple. She’ll send the courageous (ahem!) hero Suwam with you to decipher the markings.

After a brief and amusing cutscene, where you’ll automatically be back at the Stone Slab, Suwam will dance and open the door up. When you’re ready, head on in.

Move to the right and push into the strange rotating contraption. This will turn on a bunch of spikes to your right, which will move up and down.

Next up, you’ll enter another chamber that requires you to manipulate two of those rotators to move a large boulder to smash the ice blocking your path down. The first rotator moves the top and middle beams. The second, moves the middle and the right column. Line it up so it looks like this:

Next to the two rotators is a button (where our left UI is on the screenshot above). Press the button and a ball will release. Essentially the ball will bounce down, hit the pillars, serving as a make-shift gauntlet, and smash the ice.

Once that’s done, descend into the new chamber, taking out pesky little Telescope fish that will attack you. Be sure to pick up any treasures on the floor here, including a Jade Plate hiding behind a rock cropping in the foreground.

Keep moving to the left and you’ll come to another chamber, sporting another puzzle. The aim is to match the pose of the statue to that of the mural in the background. In order to do that, you need to rotate the various mechanisms.

You want to move from right to left here.

Once you’ve cracked it, a small cutscene will ensue. It’ll also activate a new chamber, which is at the very bottom of the new Glacial Area area we’ve unlocked. A massive beam of light will project out the statue, opening the way forward.

Head up, and back out the way you came and speak to Tenzhin. There are two more levers you’ll need to activate. Leave Tenzhin’s house and you’ll be given your next mission.

Head back into the Glacial Area but instead of a right (like we did to get to the Stone Slab), take a left instead. Keep hugging the ceiling and progress down. This next area isn’t a labyrinth per-se, but there are several branching paths and it can be a pain if you progress down the wrong one as they’re quite long-winded passageways.

Moving from the top, snake down the linear pathway until you reach an area with an icy clump of ore. There are two pathways. Go straight down. Do not take a left. If you do (like we did) you end up on a big linear pathway down to a gateway you cant progress to just yet.

Progress down and you’ll come to another pathway with two options. Go down and take a right.

Once you reach the Beluga Whale, an Antarctican Octopus will spray poison at you and run away. Chase him down and enter the room with a strong current. Eventually, you’ll corner him. You have a choice here as to whether to harvest or rescue him. Choose rescue.

You can always harvest more Octopus in this area, and if you choose this option, you’ll get a Jade Fish Statue as a reward. It’ll also give you an antidote too, which it gives regardless of choice.

Go back to the beluga and heal him up. With the beluga saved, you’ll need to wait for the next day to progress. This is also a good time to do any Side Quests or Sushi Bar missions that need completing.

When you’re ready and time has progressed, head back to the Glacial Area from before. Remember the pathway we said not to take? This time, follow the pathway to the left and you’ll arrive before the gateway with the strong currents. The beluga will show up and take you in.

The next section sees you riding the beluga. You can move up and down and need to avoid the jellyfish, using left Ctrl to bash open any snowy obstacles. Be aware you can only take 3 hits before you die, but if you do run into any shrimp, they’ll help heal you a little bit.

The obstacles become more dangerous as you go on, including poison-spewing flowers on the wall, black jellyfish that explode after a few seconds and crackling ice that protrudes out like tentacles. All the while, you’ll need to hit Ctrl to clear the path of ice.

Eventually you’ll make it into a larger chamber, where a giant black jellyfish will be waiting for you.

Phantom Jellyfish has a couple of well-orchestrated moves but he shouldn’t be too much trouble. Even so, you can only get hit three times and the latter phases of this fight can be rather hectic.

To begin with, Phantom will send out two exploding jellyfish after you. Evade these and Phantom will start to push Currents out in the room, while also projecting green drops of acid. Your task is to evade the streams and hit Phantom in his weak spot, his red glowing eye. Do this and the second phase of the fight will begin.

This time, Phantom Jellyfish will unleash a lot more black jellyfish after you, coming in two waves. It’s a good idea to stay toward the top of the arena, as this giant Jellyfish tends to move from side to side and can hit you with his tentacles if you get too close.

The second phase of the green acid will see a stronger Current activated, and the droplets moving in more of a semi-circle motion, arcing back toward you. Once you’ve hit him again, the third and final phase will begin.

The same moves as before but this time there’s a lot more black jellyfish, and the acid is harder to dodge. Once you’ve hit him three times, be sure to hoard the body left behind.

Progress through to the room on the right and hit the lever, holding right click to do so.

After activating the second lever, you can now descend deeper to find the third and final lever. Descend down to a depth of around 538m and move to the right. There’s a little pathway hidden down there, where Suwam is waiting for you.

When you’re ready, approach and head on through to the next area.

You’ll now be able to switch between both Suwam and Dave. The task is to raise the water level. Here’s how to do it:

Reference Picture 1

Reference: Picture 2

Reference Picture 3

After this, we’re onto one of the best parts of the whole game. It’s also, understandably, going to be one of the more frustrating for some people!

You can now control Suwam and Dave simultaneously. The controls are listed on the bottom left of the screen. Thankfully, there’s no mouse work on this bit!

Move both characters forward at the same time so they’re almost overlapping. At the same time, press right so both characters avoid the icicles. Head up and let Suwam take the slight lead to pass the Tubeworms.

Line up both Suwam and Dave to the two buttons and hit the left and right Ctrl at the same time. Next, use Dave to press the lever in the next chamber. Use Suwam to swim up against the current. Head up and to the left, positioning Suwam by the button.

Let go of the lever with Dave and line him up against the button to his left. Just like before, press left and right Ctrl to press the buttons at the same time. Use Dave to open the first pulley above this area by holding Ctrl and pressing down at the same time. Use Suwam to swim through the gap and do the same thing, hitting Ctrl and down. Use Dave to pass through.

Now you’ve reached a checkpoint. Use both Suwam and Dave to move the large rock on the ground to the right to clear a path down. Next, there are four buttons.

Line up both characters against the top buttons, hit the left and right Ctrl just like before and quickly move them both down at the same time. Do the same for the bottom buttons. This will open up the way forward.

Just like before, line up Suwam and Dave so they’re basically overlapping. Wait for the walls to close and line up both characters so they’re just above the midway point. Here, it’ll be a simple case of taking a straight line, being sure to stop at highlighted spots 1 and 2, while similarly making sure you start at the X mark.

The next section, use the stone column to shield from the falling icicles. Use whichever character you’re more comfortable moving (probably Dave) as the one moving the “stone umbrella”. When you reach the large, open area, move the stone umbrella to the left and use Suwam to press the button.

That’ll open the way to the right, so use Dave as a shield and both characters can move to the open pathway on the right. In doing so, this will end the section. Of course, Suwam will take all the credit! That is, until the next chamber…

Helicoprion is a fearsome shark foe and he’s got a serious bone to pick with Dave. Suwam though has taken a “strategic” high point up on a protected platform in the air. It’s also flanked by Divine Fruit on both sides, which will be very useful here.

You can still control both characters, but thankfully only Dave is exposed to the shark’s monstrous attacks. He uses a combination of dash attacks and swipes with his tail, so be sure to try and keep a distance. He’ll also wind-up his dash with a very obvious animation of recoiling before blasting forward.

When Helicoprion does this, stand next to the Divine Fruit. When Helicoprion attacks, dash down out the way and position Suwan next to the Divine Fruit. Hit the fruit with Suwan by pressing Ctrl and it’ll temporarily stun the shark. This will let you take him out with some well-placed shots.

Also, be aware that on the right side there is a platform with a gun upgrade, so be sure to pick this up. Otherwise, keep moving out the way and dodge the more ferocious blows. Helicoprion hits hard but his attacks are very obvious.

After killing this ferocious shark, harvest the meat and then proceed through the room on the right. Approach the machine and hold right click to activate the third and final lever.

Back in the Glacial Area, head as far down as you can and hug the seabed until you reach your destination.

After a few seconds, John Watson will arrive, driving his new Dekken-9 sub. This isn’t the real boss fight though, so just swim around and dodge the homing projectiles he’ll launch. A monstrous Kronosaurus will suddenly burst out the ground, destroying the sub (and, presumably, John Watson too).

Kronosaurus is a monstrous foe and he can hit hard, so be aware of his attacks. You need to use your dash a lot here, and time your attacks wisely. If you get caught too many times, Kronosaurus will punish you. He’ll deplete your oxygen by about 150 points if he bites you head on, with a tail swipe serving as a double-whammy.

Thankfully, there’s the Dekken-9 missile launcher lying about, which does around 300 damage to the Kronosaurus.

Unfortunately, Kronosaurus will charge directly at you a lot, so be sure to dash out the way of that up or down, rather than hugging the seabed. If you do avoid the dash, use your chosen gun to fire at him a few times to chip away at his health.

It’s tempting to grab the Missile Launcher during these dashes or when Kronosaurus is winding up those attacks, but your movement is limited while holding the launcher. Grab it when Kronosaurus is winding up his fire breath attack instead.

Krono will be stuck in one place. Hold right click and then hold left click and release when the reticle turns green on the Kronosaurus to fire off a round from the launcher. It’s a bit fiddly but you soon get the hang of it.

After hitting him the first time, Kronosaurus will chew it up and you won’t be able to use the gun for a while. However, regular shots can still be used here while you wait.

When this monstrous boss has been completed, a short cutscene will ensue. Dr Bacon and Duff will use a drone to chip away with lasers at the roots blocking the path down. However, that’s going to take at least 2 days. This leaves lots of time to do different Side Quests, including a special Sushi Bar order.

This VIP guest visit is a little different to the others, and absolutely worth completing. It’s also very easy to complete.

The Bluespotted Stargazer can be found in the Blue Hole Depths, next to where you mined the Amethyst. It’s the creature that pops out from the ground to attack. If you use a well placed rock smash to drop a boulder from a high height, you’ll be able to harvest the meat.

Olive Oil can be found in various chests dotted around Blue Hole, while wheat flour can be bought from Otto at the farm. If you don’t fancy farming it of course! Eggs can be obtained from your new chicken coop.

When you’re ready, head over to the Sushi Bar and you’ll be actively cooking the ingredients this time. Follow the instructions on screen

Once you’ve finished everything, Dave will prompt you that it’s “common sense to clear all missions before fighting the boss in an RPG.” Be sure to do everything you want to, before progressing on to the final mission.

you will not have your weapons with you Go slow SpacebarGuards have a poor line of visionpointing to the leftnot in the yellow beam of lightpressing Spacebarhide in the refrigeratormake sure a small amount of Dave’s body is exposed. line up Dave so his head is completely in the shadow and his arm and part of his body is exposedpress SpacebarPick up the Military Rationshold SpacebarGlacial Areaheading all the way to the rightGun chest Stone Slab there is a mirror in this areaStone Slabhold right clickpush into the strange rotating contraptionpick up any treasuresJade PlateMove all the way down so you can’t move it any further.Rotate to the left as far as it’ll go.Move up a small amount at a time until you hit the required position.very bottom of the new Glacial Areaspeak to Tenzhintake a left insteadDo not take a leftharvestrescueChoose rescue.Jade Fish Statuewait for the next day to progresshead back to the Glacial Area left Ctrl you can only take 3 hits before you die hit Ctrl to clear the pathPhantom Jellyfishtwo exploding jellyfishpush Currentsprojecting green drops of acidhis red glowing eyelot more black jellyfishtwo wavesstronger Current Rewards: Phantom Jellyfish Poison SackPhantom Jellyfish Meatholding right clickaround 538mmove to the right.Switch to DaveSwitch to SuwamSwitch to DaveSwitch to SuwamSwitch to DavePicture 1 belowSwitch to SuwamSwitch to DaveSwitch to SuwamSwitch to DavePicture 2 belowSwitch to SuwamSwitch to DavePicture 3 belowSwitch to SuwamSwitch to DaveSwitch to SuwamSwitch to DaveReference Picture 1 Reference: Picture 2Reference Picture 3left and right Ctrlat the same timeleft and right Ctrl holding Ctrlto the right to clear a path down against the top buttons left and right Ctrlonly Dave is exposed to the shark’s monstrous attackswind-up his dashvery obvious animation of recoilingstand next to the Divine Fruitpressing Ctrlplatform with a gun upgrade Rewards: Helicoprion SawbladeHelicoprion Tailhold right clickGlacial Area use your dash150 pointsDekken-9 missile launcherdash out the wayup or down your movement is limitedHold right clickhold left click and release Rewards: Kronosaurus Thyroid GlandKronosaurus Tongue going to take at least 2 daysChinese Cuisine ContestThe Bluespotted StargazerBlue Hole Depths Rewards: 1000 Gold50 Likes<< Chapter FiveChapter Seven >>You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!